Ebola vaccine in Guinea shows promise

Some big news in the NY Times and elsewhere: according to a report published today in the British medical journal The Lancet: "An experimental Ebola vaccine being tested in the West African nation of Guinea during the outbreak of the viral disease has shown promising initial results...." Of 7,651 individuals in the study group, 3,500 whom received the vaccination. The timing of the vaccination was randomly assigned, some immediately after being exposed directly or indirectly to the virus and some vaccinated after 21 days (the incubation period of the virus). After 10 days, none of those who received the vaccination came down with the disease, compared to 16 among those who did not receive the vaccination. This indicates that the vaccination is between 75% and 100% efficacious. The "ring vaccination" approach is the same approach that was used to eradicate smallpox. The Ebola victim is "patient zero" and the people who came into contact with the p...